Re: Express length constraints in a regex or use maxLength and minLength?

Original Message From: "Costello, Roger L."


You're types in your union need to be re-ordered because a value instance is 
matched against the members of a union in the order they are specified. 
Since your loose constraint (_v2) will match anything that your medium 
constraint will match (_v3), then anything that you might hope would be 
matched by your medium constraint would be matched by your loose constraint. 
In other words, you need:

        <union memberTypes="fn:English-language-family-name_v1

However, personally I'm not a fan of unions, and I think over specification 
of types like this on a large scale eventually leads to more flaky systems 
because developers can't see the wood for the trees and end up introducing 
other sorts of bugs!

my 2 cents,

Pete Cordell
Codalogic Ltd
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Costello, Roger L." <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 11:20 PM
Subject: RE: Express length constraints in a regex or use maxLength and 

Michael Sperberg-McQueen wrote:

> It may be worth pointing out that XSD union types are designed
> to make this kind of thing relatively easy:  you can define several
> simple types, for example one for the simplest most regular values,
> another for values which are less likely (and thus more likely to
> require special handling), and at the bottom one which is (as
> Roger Costello has suggested) essentially a renamed version
> of xsd:string (or xsd:string itself).
> The application can then (if the XSD validator provides access to
> the appropriate information in the PSVI) dispatch the value for further
> processing to an appropriate routine or workflow suitable for a
> particular class of input.


I think that I know how to do this, but let me reconfirm. Suppose that I 
create three versions of the English-language-family-name simpleType:


<simpleType name="English-language-family-name_v1">
     <restriction base="string">
            <minLength value="1" />
            <maxLength value="100" />
            <pattern value="[a-zA-Z' \.-]+" />


<simpleType name="English-language-family-name_v2">
     <restriction base="string" />


<simpleType name="English-language-family-name_v3">
     <restriction base="string">
            <minLength value="1" />
            <maxLength value="500" />

Next, I declare Family-name to be a union of the three versions:

<element name="Family-name">
        <union memberTypes="fn:English-language-family-name_v1

Here's what an XML instance document looks like:


Suppose that at data entry I want the data validated against tight 
constraints, i.e., English-language-family-name_v1.

How do I instruct an XML Schema validator to use that version of the 

I think that this is how to do it:


Is that correct?


Received on Monday, 10 January 2011 09:51:43 UTC