Online validator and *


trying to use the online validator on Wikipedia XML docu-
ments and schemas (cf.

| validator crash during target reading
| Error: can't retrieve "": 403 Forbidden

This ("403 Forbidden") is most probably due to the online
validator not supplying a "User-Agent" header (or using a
default one too common) and thus being rejected by Wikipe-
dia; this policy is explained a bit at

  So - if this is the case - it would be nice if the online
validator could provide a suitable "User-Agent" header.
Some information on how to achieve that with Python is
available inter alia at

Thanks in advance,

P. S.: There's also a typo in "report problems (and
       sucesses!) to xmlschema-dev (archive)" :-).

Received on Tuesday, 27 December 2011 05:55:33 UTC