Re: What would be the consequence of prohibiting local element and attribute declarations?

Mandatory use of global declarations forces structural decisions be made intentionally through name reference so as to prevent accidents.  It also strongly encourages reuse.

Here is an example of a markup language I wrote where all the name declarations are global and still the language is fully expressive with a descriptive nature that I believe to be vastly superior and more extensible than HTML allows.  You can see in my example that no functionality is lost.

Please do not read any external documentation associated with that schema.  There is no documentation or annotation provided with the linked file aside from an inception date.  The linked file is, aside from the inception date, XML Schema code only.

Austin Cheney - CISSP

> Hi Folks,
> Suppose a team has this XML Schema design policy:
>   No local element or attribute declarations
>   are permitted. All elements and attributes
>   must be globally declared. 
> This policy strips the XML Schema language of a significant 
> functionality. What are the consequences? Specifically what things 
> will not be expressible because of this policy? Would this policy 
> result in the creation of XML Schemas that don't integrate with 
> other XML technologies?
> /Roger

Received on Sunday, 17 October 2010 01:18:49 UTC