Re: Resolution of "ref" attribute in case of <override>

Very well.  Thank you, Michael and Michael.

On 10/22/2009 4:08 AM, Michael Kay wrote:
>> How will the prefix in the ref attribute in the 
>> attributeGroup element be handled?  If D2' is the result of 
>> applying the xs:override transform, and D2' contains an 
>> element information item that is identical to the one for the 
>> <attributeGroup>, I expect it will have [in-scope namespaces] 
>> based on what we see above; namely, the qrs prefix will 
>> necessarily resolve to "".  Is that correct?
> Yes. In fact, this doesn't even depend on the stylesheet being schema-aware
> and on @ref being known to be a QName. The element is copied using
> <xsl:copy-of>, which copies all the in-scope namespaces of an element,
> including therefore the namespace binding for "qrs".
>> Also, a second question.  I don't speak XSLT, but the 
>> stylesheet given for the transformation for xs:override 
>> includes a comment that says :
>>   <!--* change xs:override elements:  children which match 
>>       * children of $overrideElement are replaced, others are
>>       * kept, and at the end all children of $overrideElement
>>       * not already inserted are added.
>>       *-->
>> The "at the end all children..." clause doesn't appear to be 
>> consistent with the description that precedes the stylesheet. 
>>  Specifically, I don't see where a child of O1 that does not 
>> correspond to a child of D2 
>> would be put into D2'.   Perhaps I misunderstand the comment, 
>> or perhaps 
>> it isn't consistent with the XSLT that is there (again, I 
>> don't speak XSLT).  Is there an inconsistency here?
> I think Michael Sperberg McQueen has explained this part. It is complex and
> my brain aches a little every time I look at it, but I think I have
> convinced myself that it works. It would benefit, however, from some serious
> testing: there is an assumption that we will produce tests before exiting
> CR.
> Regards,
> Michael Kay

Received on Thursday, 22 October 2009 14:20:56 UTC