RE: A bug or incorrect logic?

Your content model allows an optional PersonPrefixName, and then a required
element which can be either a PersonFirstName or a PersonGivenName. So empty
content is not allowed. The error message is telling you that at the point
where the end of the content was found, there are three things that would
have been valid, a PersonPrefixName, a PersonFirstName, or a

> the XML Schema tool gives me the following error:
> cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'SignerName' 
> is not complete. One of '{PersonPrefixName, PersonFirstName, 
> PersonGivenName}' 
> is expected. [129]
> However, the PersonPrefixName has a minOccurs of "0", so why 
> am I seeing an error where the tool insists that the 
> PersonPrefixName is expected?

It's saying "One of A, B, or C is expected". I can't see how you read that
as "insisting that A is expected".

Michael Kay

Received on Friday, 31 October 2008 17:36:07 UTC