RE: help

> I have obtain this error: 
> Unable to locate the reference to a supported schema 
> type(DTD, W3W Schema) within this document instance.

When you ask for a document to be validated you need to tell the schema
processor where to find a schema to validate it against. One popular
mechanism supported by many schema processors is to look for an
xsi:schemaLocation attribute within the instance document. It seems that
your schema processor is looking for such an attribute and isn't finding
one. To fix this, either (a) supply the attribute, or (b) find a way of
invoking your schema processor so that it doesn't need this attribute, or
(c) use a different schema processor.

PS: it's a good idea to use a more informative subject title; it makes it
easier for people to search the list archives. Giving a summary of the error
message is often sufficient.

Michael Kay

> <ProcessSpecification 
> xmlns=""
> xmlns:xsi="" 
> name="ebMail Sample Format Order With Simple Response"
> nameID="ebMailSampleFormatOrderWithSimpleResponse_PS" 
> specificationVersion="2" instanceVersion="1.0.0"
> uuid="www-systml-co-uk-xml-profiles-ubl-2-order-with-simple-response">
> What´s happened? thanks very much
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the - xmlschema-dev mailing list archive at 

Received on Monday, 23 July 2007 14:40:27 UTC