Re: RE: RE: RE: unique question

Hi Michael!

You are totally right! After defining a xmlns:x prefix in my schema (analog to my default namespace) and adding the prefix in my constraint defintion, validation works well!

<xs:unique name="uniquepreis">
 <xs:selector xpath="x:preiszeile"/>
 <xs:field xpath="x:zweig"/>
 <xs:field xpath="x:herkunft"/>

But why isn't the default namespace enough within xs:unique? Is this the definition of xs:unique? What's the sense of the default namespace...

Thanks a lot!

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 09:30:18 -0000
Von: "Michael Kay" <>
An: "\'Markus Gamperl\'" <>,
Betreff: RE: RE: RE: unique question

> > Now validate it again and your bad file will be shown as 
> > valid file. This must be namespace problem - do you have an idea?
> If your elements are in a namespace, then the path expressions used in
> defining the constraint need to use prefixed element names.
> Michael Kay

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