Re: [xml-dev] Two Questions - on XML Schema

On Fri, 2006-03-10 at 07:47, Rick Jelliffe wrote:
> Oh, we lost the one-size-cannot-fit-all debate before XML Schemas 
> started. Of course,
> we get the dolorous satisfaction of being proved right afterwards.

I realize that debate was lost, but the danger now is that it's a
reinforcing system.  Old territory here, but customers/users of
XML-aware tools think that XSD is the blessed way to deal with XML. 
Most of them are working with data in a database, so they put those
constraints in the schema, thus blowing the interoperability thing out
the window because we're back to fixed-length field sizes.  The tools
all support XSD first, anything else second, so this reinforces the
customer's assumption that XSD is the way.

The reality is that most people on the planet think about objects.  It
took over 20 years to get them to change their mind about that, so it's
not too surprising that most don't grok XML (it's only been 10), or if
they do, they use it for very simple things and are done with it (e.g.
no schemas at all).

It's nearly always possible to turn reinforcing systems around, but the
variable is how much it's going to hurt.  Still, I think that whatever
debates/arguments/discussions we have about what goes where, the end
result is what sends the message to the masses.  Maybe it's time to
tweak the message a little.

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Received on Friday, 10 March 2006 08:44:09 UTC