Re: conditional expression


So you are saying these upcoming working drafts will support value-based 
co-occurrence constraints?

Does this also imply that the WG has decided not to pursue the often 
requested more seamless integration with Schematron in favour of reinventing 
the wheel, but a smaller wheel?

                  Jack Lindsey

>To: George Cristian Bina <>
>CC: Debora Vanni <>,
>Subject: Re: conditional expression
>Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 09:52:42 -0400
>Requests for this or similar function are made regularly.  As I have
>mentioned on this list before, the XML Schema WG is working hard on
>proposals for features that would provide for expressing such constraints
>in the upcoming version of the XML Schema Language, i.e. XML Schema 1.1.
>If you're interested, look for features in upcoming working drafts that
>allow you to express "co-occurrence constraints".
>Noah Mendelsohn
>IBM Corporation
>One Rogers Street
>Cambridge, MA 02142

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Received on Friday, 28 July 2006 03:57:03 UTC