Re: anonymous element


You cannot do that in XML Schema. It does not work like that. Even if 
you use xs:any, you do not define elements with it, you can use it only 
to make a reference to other element definitions. The only thing that 
defines an element and specifies its content is xs:element with a name 

What you want can be expressed with Relax NG as Relax NG allows to 
specify the content for a whole class of elements or attributes, see 
below a schema that does exactly what you asked for:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<grammar xmlns="">
         <ref name="any"/>
     <define name="any">
             <attribute name="id"/>
             <attribute name="name"/>
                     <ref name="any"/>

Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

Kassahun, Ayalew wrote:
> Hi;
> How can I define anonymous elements (elements without names) in XML schema?
> What I would like to achieve is a schema in which the following 
> statements are true:
> 1.       An XML document based on the schema can contain any XML element.
> 2.       All XML elements should have “id” and “name” attributes.
> In short something like this:
> <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://www.bla" 
> xmlns:xsd=>
>     <!-- anonymous element  -->
>     <xsd:complexType name="Anonymous.Type">
>         <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string"/>
>         <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
>     </xsd:complexType>
>      <xsd:element name="*" type=" Anonymous.Type"/>
> </xsd:schema>
> Assuming “*” indicates an “anonymous element”, but such a thing doesn’t 
> exist in Schema definition.
> How do I achieve this?
> Regards;
> *Ayalew*

Received on Saturday, 2 December 2006 06:48:14 UTC