RE: Datatypes Repository?

You should also look at the "XBRL Global Common Dictionary" 

The Core GCD defines a set of elements, tuple structures and datatypes which
provide a foundation for the GCD.  


The Main Data Types taxonomy provides a set of elements to extend the basic
information represented in the core taxonomy.  Among other things, it
defines various types of third party agent (banker, accountant, lawyer,
underwriter etc.), types of entity contact (investor relations, sales,
technical etc), types of website (media relations etc.), types of general
contact (day, night, emergency etc), types of address (street, postal) and
types of phone number (mobile, landline etc.)  


The Countries Taxonomy provides elements representing countries based on the
International Standards Organisation (ISO) countries standard.  


The Languages Taxonomy provides elements representing languages based on the
ISO languages standard 


The Exchanges Taxonomy provides elements representing stock exchanges based
on the ISO market identification code (MIC) standard 


The Currencies Taxonomy provides elements representing currencies based on
the ISO currencies standard.  


The Entry-point Taxonomy and the Presentation Taxonomy provide convenient
single points of entry or reference to the GCD for those wishing to use the
GCD DTS.  The Entry-point taxonomy simply imports all the GCD components.
The Presentation Taxonomy does the same but adds a presentation linkbase so
that the elements and components can be viewed in a structured and
intelligible way.  In practice, prospective users and reviewers will want to
use the Presentation Taxonomy to view and understand the GCD, but taxonomy
authors may want to import the Entry-point Taxonomy so they are not
encumbered by the presentation of the full GCD content.  They can then
select or organise the presentation of relevant GCD elements via their own
presentation linkbase(s).  


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Hugh Wallis
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 4:41 PM
To: 'Boris Kolpackov'; 'Ian Brandt'
Cc: 'XML Schema Dev'
Subject: RE: Datatypes Repository?

You might also want to check out

The following is the announcement that was sent to the OASIS public announce

 The OASIS Customer Information Quality (CIQ) TC recently has approved 
the following specifications as Committee Drafts and approved
the package for public review.

- extensible Name Language (xNL) v3.0, to define
   Party (Person/Organisation) names

- extensible Address Language (xAL) v3.0, to define
   different types of addresses

- extensible Name and Address Language (xNAL) v3.0, to define
   both name and address, and

- extensible Party Information Language (xPIL) v3.0, to define
   party centric information in addition to name and address

The public review starts today, 13 April 2006, and ends 12 June 2006. 
This is an open invitation to comment.

     Public review from potential users, developers and stakeholders 
is an important part of the OASIS process to assure
interoperability and quality. Comments are solicited from all 
interested parties. Please feel free to distribute this announcement
within your organization and to other appropriate mail lists.

     More non-normative information about the specification and the 
technical committee may be found at the public home page of the
TC at 
Comments may be submitted to the TC by any person, by a
web-form that can be reached either on that page, via the button 
marked "Send A Comment" at the top of that page, or directly at

     Submitted comments (for this work as well as other works of that 
TC) are publicly archived and can be viewed at All comments 
submitted to OASIS are subject to the OASIS Feedback License, to
assure that the comment may be freely re-used by the TC;  the license 
terms can be found on the comment web-form.

     The specification document and related files are available here:

Zip archive:

     OASIS and the CIQ Technical Committee welcome your comments. 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Boris Kolpackov
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 11:35 AM
To: Ian Brandt
Cc: XML Schema Dev
Subject: Re: Datatypes Repository?

Hi Ian,

Ian Brandt <> writes:

> 2) Are there any open source projects providing schemas defining
> standard datatypes, analogous to EXSLT providing standard XSLT
> function implementations for example?  I'm thinking of things such as
> enumerations for ISO country codes, string types for various phone
> number formats, etc.

I think this is an excellent idea. Since there does not seem to be
anything like this, I started XSSTL - XML Schema Standard Type

The first release of the library includes the following types:

    EmailAddress             Email address

    IPv4Address              IPv4 address in the dotted-decimal notation
    Port                     Port number
    IPv4Endpoint             IPv4 address and port pair
    IPv4EndpointStruct       Structured IPv4 address and port pair

    ISO3166CountyCode        Two-letter (alpha-2) ISO 3166-1 country code

    Percentage               Percent value in the range [0, 100]

    PhoneNumber              Full international telephone number
    PhoneCountryCode         Telephone country code
    PhoneAreaCode            Telephone area code
    PhoneSubscriberNumber    Telephone subscriber number
    PhoneExtensionNumber     Telephone extension number
    PhoneNumberStruct        Structured full international telephone number

    RFC822DateTime           Date and time formatted according to the

    USStateTerritoryCode     50 states + 9 territories
    USStateCode              50 states + District of Columbia
    USTerritoryCode          9 territories - District of Columbia
    USContinentalStateCode   USStateCode - Hawaii
    USContiguousStateCode    USContiguousStateCode - Alaska

The library is distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
Bug reports, contributions or any other feedback are welcome at mailing list.


Boris Kolpackov
Code Synthesis Tools CC
Open Source Cross-Platform C++ XML Data Binding

Received on Friday, 28 April 2006 12:20:05 UTC