Language Theorie concerning the classification of tests within the XML Schema test suite

I want to find out whether a parser is cappable of validating all
instances that may be generated by one special XML vocabulary.

The  test suite is testing different let's call them "features" of the
XML Schema language, like declaring an element with a ref-attribute
that then references another attribute etc.

My approach therefore was to classify the different ways an element
could be declared in a XML Schema and assign an identifier based on
the recommendation to it.

(Rules: component X is the n-th subchapter of the 3. chapter in the
recommendation so this is its main identifier. The possible attributes
are listed m(1-c) c being the number of different attributes in a
component so the combination of a component and an attribute is n.m.
Links to other components are defined after the XML Schema data
component model. If a component is including another component it is
written n-o where o is the main identifier of the other component.)

For the element component I got the following numbering scheme:

3       Element Declaration
3.1     Element with attribute abstract
3.2     Element with attribute block
3.3     Element with attribute default
3.4     Element with attribute final
3.5     Element with attribute fixed
3.6     Element with attribute form
3.7     Element with attribute id
3.8     Element with attribute maxOccurs
3.9     Element with attribute minOccurs
3.10    Element with attribute name
3.11    Element with attribute nillable
3.12    Element with attribute ref
3.13    Element with attribute substitutionGroup
3.14    Element with attribute type
3-4     Element Declaration is defined by Complex Type Definition
3-11    Element Declaration contain Identity-constraint Definition
3-14    Element Declaration is defined by SimpleType Definition

I then wrote an appinfo element for the test case meta data. It
describes in a machine readable way what the test group is testing:


    <documentation>3.3.2 XML Representation of Element Declaration
Schema Components Specs section: 3.3.2 XML Representation of Element
Declaration Schema Components - L Element with ref='foo' with foo is a
declared element
    </documentation> <!-- This is already there -->

 <appinfo> <!-- this is new -->
      <td:xmlSchema version="1.0" edition="1" />
      <fd:feature recommendationPart="1" featureNumber="3.12"
         <fd:Description>Element with attribute ref</fd:Description>


I then analyze a XML business vocabulary e.g. all CIDX-Schema files
( and see whether in any of these files is having a match
for the regular expression <(xs:|xsd:)?element ref="". If this is the
case 3.12 is assigned the value "true", else "false". I do this for
all 102 numbered Components (Components, component attributes and
links whose numbers are generated by the ruleset described above). The
classification of the components according to element- and
attribute-names makes this possible to analyse the vocabulary using
one regular expression per component number.

A test group might (unlike the above) test several different component numbers.

When running the final benchmark I would only include the test groups
that test excatly those components that appear in the analyzed
vocabulary (in this case CIDX).

The reason for the exercise is:
When running the whole test suite a certain percentage (say 20%) of
test cases fail. This only tells me that the parser is unfitt to
support the whole XML Schema language and thus is not a minimally
conforming parser.
On the other hand it does not mean, that it is unfitt to perform its
validation duty in a MiddleWare processing CIDX messages because CIDX
messages are only using a subset of the features provide by the schema
If test cases in this reduced test suite are failing then we can
examine them closer and pinpoint the problem.

(Limitation of the approach: the above approach can not determine a
minimum set of test groups, supposing there is one. I can only reduce
the number of test cases to a certain amount.)

I would therefore be interested in your thoughts about:

1. Does my classification of the XML Schema features makes sense?

2. What do you think of my appinfo, is anything similar planned for
all test suits?

3. What do you think of the idea of testing only "relevant" test
groups to pinpoint the problems a parser might have with respect to a
certain vocabulary?

This is the benchmarking part (saying that a parser is unfitt if he
does not support all the test cases).

Do you think it is possible with this classification or with any
classification and a finite number of test cases to turn the argument

The analysis of a vocabulary has revealed that it uses the following
features, inference rules, components... on the other hand we have
test cases testing exactly those features, inference rules,
If parser X validates these test cases correctly it will also validate
the vocabulary (in fact all instances the vocabulary will ever
produce) correctly.

I would love to see the all test cases be outfitted with some kind of
machine-readable (not at all necessarily the one described above) to
allow for more targeted and agile testing.
(This could also make tests during development a lot easier) 

In a broader vision the XML industry standard bodies could be asked to
supply their test cases in a specified and documented format.

I personally think that testing should become on major pillar of the
implementation process.

In my opinion, If the W3C supplied a reference test suite that has to
be completed by a parser in order to gain W3C approval instead of
leaving the software companies to figure it out (first the
recommendation and then later their own performance in implementing
it) compliance could be greatly improved.

Thank you for your time,


Received on Thursday, 28 April 2005 16:23:46 UTC