Re: <enumeration> of duration types

Michael Kay wrote:
>>The spec lays out the order in [1] and clarifies 
>>P12M is indeed P1Y but the comparison to P365D fails.
> I agree that this implies that durations are normalized for the purpose of
> ordering, but it's not clear that the order relation and equality matching
> (e.g. for matching the enumeration facet) have anything to do with each
> other. It's clearly stated elsewhere in the spec that equality is based on
> identity in the value space, and the value space for duration appears to
> treat P1Y and P12M as distinct values.
> I would like you to be right, but I don't see this in the spec.
> Michael Kay

I believe that's something to be clarified in 1.1

Anli Shundi           
TIBCO Software Inc.             (919) 969 6518

Received on Thursday, 14 April 2005 16:06:59 UTC