RE: "RE: Including schemata with duplicate referents"'

> > 
> > You seem to be assuming B1 and B2 contain copies of the 
> components in C. If
> > the components retain their identity, I don't think it's a 
> problem: if a
> > component in B2 includes a reference to a component in C, 
> that reference
> > will be satisfied, because the component will exist in A, 
> whether it reached
> > A via B1 or B2. (It gets more complicated, of course, with chameleon
> > includes).
> Just to make this more visual for me:
> - B1 has it's original components, call them B1.orig
> - B1 has copies of components of C, call them B1.C components
> - B1.orig components have properties with B1.C components as values

I don't think you should ever need to copy the components (except for
chameleons). If you don't copy the components, I think your problem
disappears. Or have I misunderstood?

Michael Kay

Received on Friday, 5 November 2004 15:58:04 UTC