RE: [xmlschema-dev] <none>

> XSV 2.5, XML Spy, and Xerces-J 2.6.2 all accept this schema as valid, but 
> Xerces-C 2.5 reports an error claiming that maxOccurs=0 is illegal.  When 
> this was pointed out on the xerces-c list the folks there seemed 
> unconvinced ...

Maybe they should talk to the Xerces-J folks!

Starting from Henry Thompson's clarification [ht1] that the min=max=0
element corresponds to no component, I think both of your
"empty" types are valid and that they have the same properties.

The following clause of complexType captures the relevant intent:

  {content type}
    1. If the <restriction> alternative is chosen, then the appropriate case
        among the following:
    1.1.2 There is an <all> or <sequence> among the [children] with no 
        [children] of its own excluding <annotation>;
    then empty;

So there is no content model and the tableau doesn't apply.  The catch
is that the above appeals to having no element *children*,
where here we actually have an element child, <any>, but we don't
have any particle *components*, which I think is what the text means
to depend on.

Even if you don't buy that, you end up with the content model particle of:

  {minOccurs} = 1
  {maxOccurs} = 1
  {term} = group
         {compositor} = sequence
         {particles} = ()      // empty list

which I think still matches anyType using the tableau.

Is it possible they don't accept Henry's clarification?



-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Keith Suderman
Sent: Tue 7/13/2004 5:22 PM
Subject: [xmlschema-dev] <none>

I asked a similar question earlier, but I would like clarification since I 
didn't make it clear earlier that I wanted to restrict xs:anyType.

Is the following schema valid?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" 
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
         <xs:element name="root" type="empty"/>

         <xs:complexType name="empty">
                         <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType">
                                         <xs:any minOccurs="0" 
maxOccurs="0" processContents="lax"/>

XSV 2.5, XML Spy, and Xerces-J 2.6.2 all accept this schema as valid, but 
Xerces-C 2.5 reports an error claiming that maxOccurs=0 is illegal.  When 
this was pointed out on the xerces-c list the folks there seemed 
unconvinced and replied:

 >'the derivation by restriction has some constraints, for some reference,
 >please see the following table:
 > and
 >You'll see that anyType has { minOccurs, maxOccurs } as { 1, 1 } which
 >can't be restricted.'

As I understand it, the restrictsTable referred to above (which has been 
amended in an errata [1]) only "shows several examples" of how element 
definitions may be restricted, it's not an exhaustive list of what is 
allowed.  Also, case 5.3 of [2] says "the particle of the complex type 
definition itself must be a *valid restriction* of the particle of the 
{content type} of the {base type definition}".  In the built in complex 
type definition [3] the {particle} of the {content type} is a sequence with 
{minOccurs, maxOccurs} = {0, unbounded}, which can be restricted to {0, 0}. 
However, I'm unlikely to convince anyone on the Xerces-C list that the 
above schema is correct (or that everyone else is wrong) without some sort 
of confirmation from this list.

Finally, is

         <xs:complexType name="empty"/>

equivalent (in the sense that <root/> is the only valid document) to the 
definition above?

Thanks in advance,



Received on Wednesday, 14 July 2004 08:18:39 UTC