RE: Error during the validating of XML Schema

This is not an error in your schema, it is an error in the instance
document that you are validating against the schema. The schema says
that attribute CAB must be an integer, but it would seem that in your
instance document, the attribute is empty. Declaring the attribute as a
string makes the error go away because "" is a valid string but not a
valid integer.
Michael Kay

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Ferrari GIanni
Sent: 04 February 2004 08:28
Subject: Error during the validating of XML Schema


I have too much doubts for this arguments, but i don't know other person
that can help me. So, I installed and configurated Jakarta-Tomcat, and
now I think my parser is working because in the console of my program I
have a lot of mistake about XML Schema. Obviously, I can't write you all
of mistake, but some errors are very strange. For example:


[Error] InvoiceXML.xml:21:60: cvc-attribute.3: The value '' of attribute
'CAB' on element 'BankingEnds' is not valid with respect to its type,


What does error mean? In my XML Schema this attribute is declared like:


            <!-- ID CAB -->

            <xsd:attribute name="CAB" type="xsd:integer"


What is the problem? I found that the simpletype that I can put in my
XML SCHEMA are integer, decimal, string, etc.... If I put string, I
don't have problems, but if I put date, integer, DateTime, float,
decimal, I have this error. Please, someone can help me? Thank you so




P.S. Oh I was forgotting to say you that during the validation across
DTD I didn't have this error. 



Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 04:18:05 UTC