Re: Namespace problem

Hi Volker,

 > I think by setting the targetNamespace in the schema, the elements and
 > types are in the namespace "grips://", so
 > why is the namespace 'None' expected (and whats the meaning of the
 > []-brackets)?

The global elements are in the schema target namespace. The local 
elements are either in no namespace or in the schema target namespace 
depending on the element/@form attribute or schema/@elementFormDefault 
attribute. A local element belongs to the schema target namespace if
1. element/@form attribute is set to qualified
2. schema/@elementFormDefault is set to qualified and the element/@form 
attribute is either not present or set to qualified.

Hope that helps,
George Cristian Bina
<oXygen/> XML Editor & XSLT Editor/Debugger

Received on Wednesday, 18 August 2004 08:45:29 UTC