Re: Help with this sample

Hi Chris,

> I am trying to validate some xml against the following, In the attached
> files i have:
> bl.xsd:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
> <xs:schema targetNamespace=""
>            xmlns=""
>            xmlns:xs=""
>            xmlns:hl7=""
>            elementFormDefault="qualified">
> <xs:include schemaLocation="../dt/bldatatypes.xsd" />
> <xs:element name="TypeValidation">
>   <xs:complexType>
>     <xs:sequence>
>       <xs:element ref="addr"/>
>     </xs:sequence>
>   </xs:complexType>
> </xs:element>

Above, you're saying that the <addr> element within the
<TypeValidation> element is validated against the global element
declaration for the <addr> element. The global element declaration for
the <addr> element is:

> <xs:element name="addr">
>   <xs:complexType>
>     <xs:sequence>
>       <xs:element name="addr" type="AD" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
>     </xs:sequence>
>   </xs:complexType>
> </xs:element>

This says that the <addr> element might contain another <addr> element
of type {}AD (otherwise it must be empty).

Already, that means your instance document:

> bl.xml:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <TypeValidation xmlns:xsi=''
>                 xsi:schemaLocation=' bl.xsd'
>                 xmlns=''>
> <addr>
>     <city>test</city>  <--------------- PROBLEM
> </addr>
> </TypeValidation>

is invalid; according to your schema, the <addr> element directly
within the <TypeValidation> element must either be empty or contain
another <addr> element of type {}AD.

Perhaps you meant the <addr> element to be of type
{}AD? In that case, the global element
declaration should look like:

<xs:element name="addr" type="AD" />

and if you want to say that the <addr> element within the
<TypeValidation> element is optional, you need to say that when you
refer to this element declaration:

  <xs:element ref="addr" minOccurs="0" />

I haven't tried out this change, so there might be other things in
addition that are preventing it from working...


Jeni Tennison

Received on Monday, 22 September 2003 10:37:27 UTC