Are these schemas equivalent?

I am working on a XSLT transformation from XML to HTML for a Biological 

Each document (called "card") contains genomic information about one 
gene from several resource databases.

How could/should such a document  be tagged? Are the three solutions 
below equivalent? What approach would you prefer? Why?

XML data is transformed by XSLT stylesheets into XML and HTML documents.

(Restriction: no attributes)

 >>>>>>>  1. (Existing) Schema Solution defining types of same element 
for each resource:


<element name="CARD" content="elementOnly">
<element name="Resource" minOccurs="1" content="mixed">
<type name="HUGO" minOccurs="0">
<element name="hugoinfo" type="string" />
<type name="GENBANK" minOccurs="0">
<element name="genbankinfo" type="string" />

This is the existing solution which uses content="mixed" instead of 
mixed="true" and type instead of complexType. Is this a problem? Is it 
still ok to define types like this?


<hugoinfo> ...</hugoinfo>
<genebankinfo> ...</genbankinfo>

Is this XML conformant to above XSD?

 >>>>>>>  2. Solution with additional tag for resource name:


<element name="CARD" content="elementOnly">
<element name="Resource" minOccurs="1">
<complexType name="HUGO">
<element name="resourcename" type="string" />
<element name="hugoinfo" type="string" />
<complexType name="GENBANK">
<element name="resourcename" type="string" />
<element name="genbankinfo" type="string" />


<element name="hugoinfo" type="string" />
<element name="genbankinfo" type="string" />

 >>>>>>>  3. Solution with distinct elements for each resource (my 


<element name="CARD" type="ByResources" />

<complexType name="ByResources" mixed="false">
<element name="HUGO" minOccurs="0" mixed="false">
<element name="hugoinfo" type="string" />
<element name="GENBANK" minOccurs="0" mixed="false" >
<element name="genbankinfo" type="string" />


Received on Sunday, 19 January 2003 12:27:58 UTC