Re: restrict content to values out of a xml file

Hi Nadine,

what you need is validation across documents. This is currently not
supported by the schema recommendation. Yet, I see two possibilities:

1. You use an XInclude in the document that refers values in the other
2. You use JBind (available at I developed a
validator that supports to carry on so called "data contexts" from instance document
validation to other instance document validations.


> hi,
> when checking a xml-file (with xsd-file),
> is there a way to restrict the content of an element to values that are
> defined in another xml file, for example i have the element "name" in the
> xml file i want to check, and the only names that are allowed are defined
> in another xml-file in the element "allowed_names".
> should be some kind of enumeration thing, with the difference that i
> dont't
> want to type in the allowed names in the xsd file, but write them in an
> extern xml file.
> can anyone help???
> thanx in advance,
> nadine

Received on Friday, 28 February 2003 03:11:20 UTC