Re: xerces 2.2.0 DOM.Counter with validation error - xsd:choice and group references

Hi Jeremy,

> I have the following schema:

Your schema looks non-deterministic to me. Your content model is:

  ((Coefficients, WeightEquation, Weight, WeightUpperLimit?,
    WeightLowerLimit?, ReferenceWeight?, CenterOfGravity?,
    MomentOfIntertia?, Mass?, MERReference?) |
   (Coefficients, Equation, EquationValue, Reference?))

The fact that "Coefficients" starts both sequences means that when it
encounters a <Coefficients> element, the validator can't work out
which of the sequences it should be using.

Try re-jigging your schema so that the content model is:

   ((WeightEquation, Weight, WeightUpperLimit?, WeightLowerLimit?,
     ReferenceWeight?, CenterOfGravity?, MomentOfIntertia?, Mass?,
     MERReference?) |
    (Equation, EquationValue, Reference?)))


Jeni Tennison

Received on Friday, 15 November 2002 17:10:17 UTC