RE: Preliminary Version of Schema Components Infoset Model in Java by IBM is available on Partnerworld for Developers

Hi Dare,

Reasonable question....

This is a technical sharing, letting readers of a few mailing lists know
what we're doing.

IBM thinks many Java programs need a Schema Components Infoset API that
also makes visible components from the XML representation.
IBM knows of customers that would like to have an API which is implemented
by software from more than one vendor, or from an open source effort.

There were 3 particular reasons why I posted this notice to 2 W3C schema-
related mailing lists.
First, I've been told that various participants in W3C XML Schema-related
activities have expressed interest in having such an API, whether produced
by W3C or produced elsewhere.
The second reason was to share our extensive experience in this area.
The third reason was to discover whether other people think it makes sense
for an open source effort to revise or complete this work.

I am personally not familiar with Microsoft's Schema Components Infoset
API, or those of other vendors.


On May 24 2002 at 01:53PM, Dare Obasanjo wrote:
> I'd like to ask exactly what the purpose was for sharing this with
> W3C working groups.
> Does IBM intend to push an XML Schema Infoset API
> for endorsement by the W3C
>even though certain vendors like Microsoft have already shipped such
> an API in multiple products?

Bob Schloss
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Hawthorne, New York, USA

Received on Tuesday, 28 May 2002 11:50:58 UTC