Re: Data typ "week"?

Hi Cool,

> Has someone an idea, how man could define "calendar
> week" with the following syntax: WW.JJJJ (WW
> represents the calendar week and JJJJ the year) in a
> XML Schema? There is data type "date", "time", but not
> "week"!
> Example:
> 20.2002  represents the 20.week im year 2002
> I hope, there is only 52 weeks in a year (52*7
> days=364 days. A year is maximal 365 days).

There is no defined datatype in XML Schema that let's you do this but
you can fairly easy create one using the pattern facet. I think
something like this would be sufficient:

<xs:simpleType name="WeekYear">
   <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:pattern value="(([0-4][0-9])|5[0-2])\d{4}"/>

Note that I haven't put any restriction on the year part of the datatype
more than it must contain 4 digits (\d{4}). If you want you can put more
restriction on this.


Received on Wednesday, 15 May 2002 20:11:09 UTC