RE: Derivation by restriction from <any>

So after all this, do I understand that: 
(a) Dare agrees with MSXML that my original schema[1] is invalid; 
(b) Jeni originally agreed with Henry that it was OK, but now thinks it is

I'm having some difficult untangling the thread 
and relating it to my original question!  

Meanwhile, if Dare and MSXML are correct, 
then perhaps I should rephrase the question:  

How can I define 
a base type that will accept *any* elements in its content model, 
and then define 
a type derived from this by restriction that confines the 
content to a specific vocabulary?  
(to be used for elements in a substitution group) 

Am I reduced to using the very weak inheritance method 
of first emptying the content and then extending it?


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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeni Tennison []
> Sent: Saturday, 9 March 2002 7:51 PM
> To: Dare Obasanjo
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Derivation by restriction from <any>
> Hi Dare,
> >> By the rules of the Schema Component Constraint: Particle Valid
> >> (Restriction) 
> >> (, 
> >> the sequence in the base model group is "pointless" so the 
> >> base model group is equivalent to:
> >
> [snip]
> > The rules for pointlessness for an xs:sequence are
> >
> >         <sequence> 
> >         One of the following must be true:
> >         2.2.1 {particles} is empty. [Dare - Nope, not in this case] 
> >
> >         2.2.2 All of the following must be true:
> > The particle within which this <sequence> 
> appears has
> > {max occurs} and {min   occurs} of 1. [Dare - the sequence does not
> > appear in a particle. Now it is possible that somewhere in the spec
> > defines some implicit particle similar to how there is an implicit
> > xs:complexContent child of a xs:complexType when it has particles as
> > children. If this is the case I'd appreciate it if you 
> could point this
> > out]
> Yes :) I admit that I performed a little 'interpretation' of the spec
> here, and went with what I felt was the spirit rather than the letter.
> It's clear that does not apply to a <sequence> that is the
> top-level particle in a content model, since it does not appear within
> a particle itself. The question is whether the fact that it does not
> appear within a particle means that the condition is met or not met,
> in other words, does mean:
>   "If the <sequence> appears within a particle, then the particle
>    within which this <sequence> appears has {max occurs} and {min
>    occurs} of 1."
> or does it mean:
>   "The <sequence> appears within a particle and the particle
>    within which this <sequence> appears has {max occurs} and {min
>    occurs} of 1."
> I think that both interpretations are valid interpretations based on
> the letter of the Rec. I think that the former interpretation, which
> is the one that I made, makes more sense, by extension, since if you
> had:
>   <choice>
>     <sequence>
>       <any maxOccurs="unbounded" />
>     </sequence>
>     <element ref="baz" />
>   </choice>
> being restricted to:
>   <choice>
>     <sequence>
>       <element ref="foo" />
>       <element ref="bar" />
>     </sequence>
>     <element ref="baz" />
>   </choice>
> Then that would be OK - the sequence in the base is *definitely*
> pointless, and the map from the base any to the restricted sequence
> is fine (as I demonstrated in the last message).
> But then again, if you have the base particle:
>   <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
>     <any />
>   </sequence>
> and the restriction:
>   <sequence>
>     <element ref="foo" />
>     <element ref="bar" />
>   </sequence>
> To my eyes, that looks like a valid restriction, but according to the
> Rec I don't think it is. The sequence/sequence derivation rule states
> that the there must be an order-preserving functional mapping between
> the particles making up the two sequences, which there clearly isn't
> in this case - there's nothing for the second element to map on to.
> And if it doesn't work for the above base model group, then it
> shouldn't work for the model group:
>   <sequence>
>     <any maxOccurs="unbounded" />
>   </sequence>
> which I think is functionally equivalent.
> As usual with these things, the not-quite-errata document registers
> that there's already been a comment about the pointlessness rules:
> Apparently it's been resolved:
>   "The WG has decided that although the rules have some awkward
>    results, they are not in error. It will be put on the list of
>    issues to consider for a future revision of XML Schema."
> So there you go. I guess that means that one-to-many mappings are
> possible in some cases but not in others (with a little ambiguity
> about which examples fall into which class).
> Cheers,
> Jeni
> ---
> Jeni Tennison

Received on Monday, 11 March 2002 20:58:09 UTC