Re: mixing orderer and unordered elements

Torsten Curdt <> wrote:
 I am trying to have a mixture of ordered and unordered elements:


For these kind of complex requirements, it may be easier to layer
rather than attempt baroque content models:

  <xs:element name="root">
          <!-- All in the family -->
          <xs:element name="seq1"/>
          <xs:element name="seq2"/>
          <xs:element name="unordered1"/>
          <xs:element name="unordered2"/>
            <pattern xmlns="">
                   <rule context="root">
                       <!-- Who's on first -->
                        <assert test="*[1][self::seq1]" />
                        <assert test="*[2][self::seq2]" />

with the proviso that ifever  "root" is used as a local element name
with a different content model you will need to factor that in
(such as   <rule context="root[not(parent::fred)]">  
which breaks encapsulation.

Rick Jelliffe

Received on Wednesday, 12 June 2002 14:31:16 UTC