Re: Cannot validate schema


>I was using the address bellow to validate my XML and schema file, and it
>worked well.
>But today, it shows empty page after I select the file and click "upload and
>valide" button.
>It seems that the server doens't work anymore. 
>Could you please have a look at this problem? I reply on this site to valide
>my schema.
The version of XSV that you have been using is a very old one (1999). 
You should definately update your schemas so they conform to the Rec of 
W3C XML Schema [1]. You can then use the latest version of the XSV 
webinterface to validate your schemas [2].

>Could you please also tell me where I can download a schema validation
See [3] for a list of tools.



Received on Tuesday, 30 July 2002 19:34:55 UTC