LandXML XML Schema usage submission

I would like to contribute a Land Development\Transportation industry specific XML Schema, LandXML, to the usage section of the W3 XML Schema page. 
The LandXML schema is defined, maintained and hosted by, an
open organization for Land Development/Transportation Industry
organization. LandXML models the civil engineering design data used to
create new residential subdivisions and build new roads.
 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Schema file name   : LandXML-1.0.xsd
Schema namespace:
Schema location     :  <
Schema Description: LandXML is an emerging XML data standard for civil
engineering and survey data used in the Land Development and
Transportation Industries. LandXML facilitates open data exchange
between software applications, provides an electronic format for design
data project submission and provides a format suitable for long term
More Information:
LandXML has a reasonably complex content model has evolved from a simple
XDR schema, (
<> ), over
the past 3 years to use most of the features available in the latest XML
Schema recommendation. The web site for the schema is <> , where you will find
the schema, documentation, sample files and sample applications. There
is also a list of world-wide participants on the <>  page.
LandXML is emerging as the XML standard for the Land Development and
Transportation Industry by US Department of Transportation, AASHTO
(American Association of State Highway Officials) and the Federal
Highway Administration. LandXML is also being used and recognized
internationally by Land Information New Zealand. LandXML also has strong
support in the software vendor community
<> .
Please let me know if any other information is required.
Nathan Crews
Principal Schema Architect, <> 
Software Researcher
Civil/Survey Software Development
GIS Solutions Division
Autodesk, Inc. <> 

Received on Thursday, 18 July 2002 07:11:29 UTC