Formattings in XML Document!

Hello people,

I defined the structure of a document in a schema. In generated XML documents  I would like to apply the formatting as bold, turned up , turned down and to apply mathematical signs without defining the needed signs in my schema for that.

The formatting and additional characters are supposed to occur per example in a element <TexT> ..</TexT>. This element was defined as string in the schema. Is it possible that I only declare the Namespaces of MathML (Mathematical Markup Language) and xhtml to include the W3C schemas of these elements (as <mrow>..</mrow> <mn>..</mn> and <sup>..</sup>, <sub>..<sub>) in my primary schema and to use these in the <TexT> element without defining these elements?

Please help me fast, it is urgent.
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Received on Wednesday, 13 February 2002 05:22:51 UTC