Nested Simple Type Definitions - AXIS/.NET


I am using nested simple type definitions. My sample schema fragment (see
below for the complete schema document) is,

  <xsd:simpleType name="mySmallPositiveInteger">
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal">
          <xsd:fractionDigits value="0"/>
          <xsd:minInclusive value="1"/>
          <xsd:maxExclusive value="100"/>
          <xsd:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
      <xsd:minInclusive value="50"/>

I am getting mixed results when I used it in various tools. This makes me
wonder if it is valid? If it is valid, how do I make these tools process it
without any errors?

Here is my score card ..

[1] IBM Schema Quality Checker ran without any errors

[2] XML Spy processed without any errors

[3] XSV processed without any errors

[4] webMethods Integration Server processed without any errors

[5] MS XSD Schema Validator at failed with 1
Validation error:

It is an error if maxInclusive is among the members of {facets} of {base
type definition} and {value} is greater than the {value} of the parent
maxInclusive. An error occurred at , (14, 4).

[6] AXIS chokes if nested simple type def is used within WSDL types element

[7] .NET chokes if nested simple type def is used within WSDL types element

Complete XML Schema document is,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""

  <xsd:element name="item">
        <xsd:element name="quantity" type="j:mySmallPositiveInteger"/>
        <xsd:element name="quantity2" type="j:smallPositiveInteger"/>

  <xsd:simpleType name="mySmallPositiveInteger">
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal">
          <xsd:fractionDigits value="0"/>
          <xsd:minInclusive value="1"/>
          <xsd:maxExclusive value="100"/>
          <xsd:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
      <xsd:minInclusive value="50"/>

  <xsd:simpleType name="smallPositiveInteger">
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal">
          <xsd:fractionDigits value="0"/>
          <xsd:minInclusive value="1"/>
          <xsd:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
      <xsd:maxExclusive value="100"/>

Appreciate your help,

Asir S Vedamuthu

webMethods, Inc.
703-460-2513 or

Received on Monday, 23 December 2002 13:29:19 UTC