RE: Problems with definingt simple restriction

You try to restrict the built-in datatype "xs:double", which does not have
an attribute "currency".

Your base type must contain at least an attribute definition called
So it has to be a complexType definition with simpleContent child.

The following should work:

	<xs:complexType name="basePrice">
			<xs:extension base="xs:double">
				<xs:attribute name="currency"
type="xs:string" use="required"/>

	<xs:complexType name="Price">
			<xs:restriction base="basePrice">
				<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>

			</xs:restriction >

Best regards,

Peter Kriegesmann
Phone	 06151-921484
Electronic Business Technologies (QE)				Fax
Software AG
Uhlandstrasse 12				  
D-64297 Darmstadt	

>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Steinar Rune Eriksen [] 
> Sent:	Montag, 16. Dezember 2002 14:51
> To:
> Cc:	Steinar Rune Eriksen
> Subject:	Problems with definingt simple restriction
> hi
> This construction used to work 6 months ago... (using XML Spy 3.5 under
> xmlns="" )
> 	<complexType name="Price">
> 		<simpleContent>
> 			<restriction base="double">
> 				<fractionDigits value="2"/>
> 				<attribute name="currency" type="string"
> use="required"/>
> 			</restriction >
> 		</simpleContent>
>       </complexType>
> Using XML Spy 5, I get a validation error on restriction _base_, seeming
> that this is not valid anymore. I cannot find any examples either of
> restrction being used as child under simpleContent, though it seems like
> it should be valid according to spec. Am I wrong?
> Med vennlig hilsen
> Steinar Rune Eriksen
> BIZ Partner
> Tel:    (+47) 67 57 15 52
> Mobile: (+47) 90 52 81 48

Received on Monday, 16 December 2002 09:05:39 UTC