Re: Schemas Identity Constraint

"Henry S. Thompson" wrote:
> XSV finds your error -- what validator are you using?
> <invalid char='6' code='cvc-identity-constraint.2.1.2' line='5'
> resource='pujol.xml'>duplicate key NAME1 for {None}IdentityContraint1,
> first appearance was in unnamed entity at line 4 char 2 of
> pujol.xml</invalid>

Hi, I'm using Xerces Java 1.4.3.
So I suppose that is a Xerces problem, isn't it?

Before writing my mail I tried to validate the XML file with the XSV.
But always it algive my an error. I never used it before, I don't know if I'm
doing something wrong.

The error is:

Schema validator crashed
The maintainers of XSV will be notified, you don't need to send mail about this
unless you have extra information to provide. If there are Schema errors
reported below, try correcting them and re-running the validation.

Attempt to load a schema document from (via ) (source: ) for no namespace ,
succeeded skipped, already loaded skipped, other docs already loaded for this
namespace: failed: 

::: Invalid per : 

::: Warning: 

Joan Jesús Pujol Espinar
PTS Sistemes Departament IMA

Received on Friday, 26 October 2001 05:45:12 UTC