Re: Group : Model content and occurence specifications

That behavior seems correct.  I believe that it was thought that possible
occurance constraints on the top level of a group would be more appropriate
on the use of the group (not the definition of the group).  Furthermore,
people disagreed about how to apply two sets of occurance constraints ---
one on the use and the other on the top level collection.  Thus, the spec
forbids one of them.

Your workaround should be just fine.  Personally, I'd rather use a sequence
than a choice, because a one-element sequence seems more natural and clear
to me than a one-element choice, but either should work.


"Bruno Chatel" <> on 10/04/2001 09:26:25 AM

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To:   <>
cc:   <>
Subject:  Group : Model content and occurence specifications

I have a validation problem on my schema : maxOccurs attribute
is not allowed on this choice element :

 <xs:group name="blocs.mix">
   <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:group ref="index.class"/>
        <xs:group ref="encadrés.class"/>
        <xs:group ref="inters.class"/>
        <xs:group ref="blocs.class"/>

It seems that the error is relative to the explanation
provided in the specification Part 1, end of 3.7.2

Is it true ?
I do not understand the reason why there is this limitation.

In order to modelize this, is it acceptable to write a un-useful
parent for choice element ?
Something like :

<xs:group name="blocs.mix">
        <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:group ref="index.class"/>
            <xs:group ref="encadrés.class"/>
            <xs:group ref="inters.class"/>
            <xs:group ref="blocs.class"/>

Thanks in advance.


-- bruno --
Bruno Chatel
Tel : (+33)[0] 4 96 11 14 57
Email :

Received on Thursday, 4 October 2001 10:01:59 UTC