Re: Schema being imported multiple times

Alexander Falk wrote:

> Noah,
> The schema spec requires that you not include conflicting definitions or
> declarations for the same component.  If you know from your runtime that
> you are in fact about to open the same file you just parsed, then it's
> clear you're getting the same definitions and decls (unless I'm missing
> something subtle).  So, I believe that the schema spec does sanction
> your
> using any means you can that will ensure consistent definitions and
> declarations.  If you keep a filename or URI list, I think you are OK.
> What is not in general efficient is looking for duplicates when
> importing
> files or web resources that are accidently the same, I.e. ones for which
> the names or URIs are different, but the contents are the same or
> consistent at the component level.  That you have to check the hard way,
> but that is a rarer case I would think.

The rare case can become more often if people start copying schema files
and reusing it with a different name (e.g. localized name).

Will it be helpful if we are able to attach an UID to each schema file?

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Noah Mendelsohn                                    Voice: 1-617-693-4036
> Lotus Development Corp.                            Fax: 1-617-693-8676
> One Rogers Street
> Cambridge, MA 02142
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Received on Thursday, 1 November 2001 13:04:13 UTC