Re: pattern question

Hi Shyam,

> I would like to restrict a string based on a pattern:
>                (The string cannot have the set:    ?:,'<>/*\|= and " )
> <xsd:element name="LayerName">
>                         <xsd:simpleType>
>                                 <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
>                                         <xsd:minLength value="1"/>
>                                         <xsd:maxLength value="255"/>
>                                         <xsd:pattern
> value="[^?:,'/\\\*&quot;&gt;&lt;|=]"/>  <!--Need suggestion here -->
>                                 </xsd:restriction>
>                         </xsd:simpleType>
> </xsd:element>

That looks fine (though I think the * has no meaning in a character
group, so you don't have to escape it) - the only thing you're missing
is a + or * or something after the character range to enable the
pattern to match strings with more than one character in them:

  <xs:pattern value="[^?:,'/\\*&quot;>&lt;|=]+" />

Or if you want, you could specify the number of allowable characters
in the pattern as well as through the minLength/maxLength facets:

  <xs:pattern value="[^?:,'/\\*&quot;>&lt;|=]{1,255}" />

(BTW, I wouldn't get rid of the minLength/maxLength facets even if you
did that - they would enable some level of validation even from schema
processors that don't understand regular expressions.)

If you want to ban all punctuation, you could more simply use:

  <xs:pattern value="\P{P}{1,255}" />



Jeni Tennison

Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2001 14:23:32 UTC