Re: Different namspaces in one schema

Hi Jeni!
Thank you. Refering to the example below, then is the local element "Abt" in
the complexType in no namespace and all others in the targetNamespace?



<schema xmlns=""
  elementFormDefault="qualified" >

 <element name="Auto" type="car:Auto"/>
 <element name="IdNr"  type="integer"/>

 <complexType name="Auto">
       <element name="Fabrikat" type="car:Fabrikat"/>
       <element name="Abt" type="string"/>

<!-- etc. -->

> Hi Thilo,
> > Is ist possible/valid to have in some way elements with different
> > namespaces in one schema, without using the <import> element?
> No. All the elements that are declared within a particular schema have
> the same namespace, the target namespace of the schema (aside from
> those that are declared locally and unqualified, which are in no
> namespace).
> Cheers,
> Jeni
> ---
> Jeni Tennison

Received on Saturday, 8 December 2001 15:33:21 UTC