Re: whitespace and numbers

You are correct!  The whiteSpace feature was added recently to XML Schema.
Perhaps the processsor you are using does not implement it yet.

All the best, Ashok

Jasmin Wason <> on 11/15/2000 12:12:53 PM

Sent by:

Subject:  whitespace and numbers

If an XML Schema defines the type of an element to be an integer, is it
acceptable for the instance document to contain whitespace within the
tags for that element? E.g.

<number>    7</number>

I have used a parser that complains that this is not an integer. After
looking at [1] it seems like this is a bug in the parser, but I just
thought I'd check.


Jasmin Wason


Received on Thursday, 16 November 2000 00:22:52 UTC