Re: [Moderator Action] validating an xml without internet connection

At 02:49 PM 7/10/00 +0100, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
>True -- if you supply one or more schema docs on the command line,
>that pre-empts other searches.  No catalog is necessary.  Think of the 
>targetNamespace attribute in the supplied schema docs as the left hand
>sides of catalog entries, and the schema docs themselves as the
>right hand sides

In the long run, though, wouldn't something like FPIs and catalogs make
sense for this kind of work?

I don't find targetNamespace useful if I can't find a local copy of the
schema in the first place... 

Simon St.Laurent
XML Elements of Style / XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed. - XML essays and books

Received on Monday, 10 July 2000 09:54:24 UTC