XOP/MTOM Issue 36rec closed

Dear Alessandro,

The XMLP WG has decided to close issue 36rec [1] that you raised against 
the XOP and MTOM specifications with the following resolution.

To remove any possible ambiguity from the 3rd bullet of section 3.1 
Creating XOP Packages from the XOP specification [2], the following text 
will be added:

Note that this rule requires that the [children] of the element 
information item to be optimized contains only character information items.

The second paragraph of 2.3.1 Sending a message of the MTOM 
specification [3] will be updated in the same manner.

I think, given what you said in your e-mail at [4], that you are happy 
with this resolution. If this is not the case, please, let the Working 
Group know as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Hervé Ruellan.

[1] http://www.w3.org/2000/xp/Group/xmlp-rec-issues.html#x36
[3] http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/REC-soap12-mtom-20050125/#aof-sending
[4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xml-dist-app/2005Oct/0003.html

Received on Wednesday, 19 October 2005 13:27:49 UTC