Issue 480 closed


You raised an issue (#480) [1] regarding the Representation header [2] 
LC doc. The WG agreed to classify the issue as editorial and directed 
the editors to address your comment.


 >1) Section 2.1, Representation header is not required, but may be
 >useful, when multiple references...

The sentence in question in section 2.1 has been changed to read:
  "The Representation header block is also useful when multiple 
references to the same resource are required but duplication of the 
resource is undesirable."

 >2) Section 2.1 should the space around base64 characters in the example
 >be dropped?

The space around the base64 characters has been removed.

 >3) Section 2.3.2: does reinsert have the [specified] prop w/value
 >"true"? I believe not.

Section 2.2.3 (and not 2.3.2) is _not_ changed. The [specified] property 
value is indeed 'true'. This requires the attribute to be specified and 
not defaulted.

 >4) 2.3.2 Example Example - the link to the example should probably be
 >titled otherwise 8-)

The sentence is question is now changed to:
"An example of this usage is shown in Example 1."

Hope this resolution is satisfactory.



Received on Tuesday, 29 June 2004 22:30:12 UTC