XMLP Issue 403 Closed


You raised issue 403[1] against the CR of SOAP 1.2. The XML Protocol WG 
discussed this issue in a recent telcon and agreed that there is a 
problem. The issue was closed with instructions to the editors to fix 
the problem along the lines you suggest. The new wording for the 
offending text in is:

"The type of the qname attribute information item is xs:QName. Its 
value is the XML qualified name of a SOAP Envelope element information 
item that the faulting node can understand.

When serializing the qname attribute information item there needs to be 
an in-scope namespace declaration for the namespace name of the SOAP 
Envelope element information item that the faulting node can 
understand. The value of the attribute information item uses the prefix 
of such a namespace declaration."

We hope this satisfies your concern, if not please respond to this 
message CCing xmlp-comments@w3.org.

Marc (on behalf of the XML Protocol working group)

[1] http://www.w3.org/2000/xp/Group/xmlp-cr-issues.html#x403

Marc Hadley <marc.hadley@sun.com>
Web Technologies and Standards, Sun Microsystems.

Received on Thursday, 23 January 2003 14:42:31 UTC