Resolution of CR Issue 413

Dear Mr. Fujisawa:
Thank you for catching the error described below in SOAP Part 0: Primer.

>I found an error in the section 6 of SOAP 1.2 Primer CR document. 
>In the following sentences, "env:faultReason" should be "env:Reason". 
>* SOAP 1.2 uses the element names env:Code and env:faultReason, respectively, 
>for what used to be called faultcode and faultstring in SOAP 1.1. SOAP 1.2 
>also allows multiple env:Text child elements of env:faultReason qualified by xml:lang to allow multiple language versions of >the fault reason.

The text has been corrected in the latest editor's copy of the Primer [1].
This closes CR Issue 413.
Thank you,
Nilo Mitra
Editor, SOAP primer 


Received on Monday, 24 February 2003 16:41:59 UTC