Thanks for providing (what have been classified as editorial) comments on the SOAP Part 0: Primer LC WD [0] and identified below by LC issue# (see [1] for the LC issues list) and originator.
Issue Originator
247 Joseph Reagle
255 Art Salwin
258 Martin Duerst
259 Martin Duerst
260 Martin Duerst
272 Martin Duerst
273 Martin Duerst
274 Martin Duerst
276 Martin Duerst
287 Philippe Le Hegaret
293 J-J Moreau
295 Paul Prescod
310 Dave Beckett
311 Dave Beckett
312 Dave Beckett
313 Dave Beckett
344 Mike Champion
350 Mike Champion
352 Micah Dubinko
354(a) Micah Dubinko
372 David Costanzo
These have been incorporated into the editor's copy of the Primer, available at [2]. A change log provides partial guidance on the positioning of the changes in the case of the more substantial edits. Please note that the referenced editor's copy is a work in progress, and is subject to change (although not substantial) over the coming weeks as more LC issues are handled.
Some of the LC issues included commentary/opinions without requesting specific text changes; in such cases I have attempted to capture the spirit of your comment in any text changes. Please let the WG know (via xmlp-comments) if your comment has been suitably addressed.
Apologies for this mass mailing, but the WG decided, for the sake of efficiency, to allow the editor to provide one collective email to all originators to close the editorial comments in such cases where the comments were accepted and suitably incorporated.
Thank you
Nilo Mitra
Editor, SOAP 1.2 Primer