Issue #44 closed : req/resp correlation over non-HTTP protocols

At the Cannes F2F, the WG decided to accept the following resolution text for issue #44 [1], which arose out of our requirement 200 [2].  No edits to the specs are necessary as a result.

The TBTF has already defined a message exchange pattern [3] which provides for this type of correlation, and an instance of an HTTP binding [4] which expresses this feature natively in the underlying protocol.  We have additionally described the fact that features [4] may be expressed either by binding specifications (either within or outside the purview of the underlying protocol itself) or by SOAP extensions (modules).  Although we have not taken on this piece of work directly, we believe we have demonstrated it is possible to write a SOAP module specification which will implement the simple request-response feature via SOAP headers, and therefore provide a transport-neutral realization of the feature.  We are confident that this work will occur, and that the results will likely end up in some form "blessed" by an appropriate standards group, however we will not normatively specify such an implementation in SOAP 1.2.



Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2002 00:25:08 UTC