Resolution of LC issue #208


At the XMLP-WG telcon on 10th July 2002 the WG decided to close LC issue
#208 [1] as follows:

  The text of the LC WD is has improved clarity regarding 
  the significance of whitespace.

  The WG will add an extra bullet, saying whitespaces
  is insignificant except where specified otherwise.

  The WG decided this is an editorial issue. 

[Aside: The record is does not say where this bullet will be added, but I
believe it be in Part 1 Section 5.0]

If you feel that this does not adequately address the issue that you raised,
please contact the WG ASAP.

Thank you.

Stuart Williams
On behalf of W3C XMLP-WG

Received on Wednesday, 17 July 2002 10:28:31 UTC