RE: Namespace-by-retrieval is consistent and coherent

Tim Bray wrote:
> 1. byte-for-byte string comparison of the namespace name as given
> 2. byte-for-byte comparison of the indicated resource after retrieving it

Um... suppose the two URLs: --> "John Smith" --> "John Smith"

Does bytewise comparison of a resource really indicate that the two
resources are identical or even equivalent?

If we are really going to define namespace equality on the basis of
retrieved resource equivalence, we might need to invoke some sort of a RDF
framework (shudder) at the XML parser level (shudder,shudder) in order to
make this really work (even then, would it?)

> All of the intervening positions are fatally compromised IMHO.  #1 has
> the advantage that it's cheaper and requires less infrastructure.  #2 has
> the advantage that it really does connect namespaces to the Web in a deep
> way that's consistent with the underlying architecture, whatever that is.

I'd say that #1 is the only reasonable option.

Jonathan Borden

Received on Sunday, 28 May 2000 18:27:23 UTC