Re: Are *relative* URIs as namespace nemes considered harmful?

Simon is absolutely right. We are still (in the early stages of) opening doors on
the problem and its implications. After such unprecedented action as opening the
xml-uri list for public discussion, the W3C hierarchy surely is not ready to go
so soon for a quick solution along the path of (perceived) least resistance; is

"Simon St.Laurent" wrote:

> At 09:13 PM 5/16/00 -0400, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
> >My proposed transition is as follows.
> [ (a ways down)]
> It hasn't sounded from the discussion like anyone's near the proposal stage
> for specific implementations.
> Are we?  There don't appear to be any replies thus far, positive or
> negative, to the specifics, and I suspect everyone in Amsterdam is awake,
> if perhaps too busy.

Received on Wednesday, 17 May 2000 11:16:05 UTC