Re: Why I moved from Forbid to Literal

   You missed the point completely. This has nothing to do with advice - it
   is a strict requirement on the generator of a document using XML
   namespaces. Trying to turn it into a requirement on the consumer of a
   document that uses XML namespaces makes no sense.


But the point is that there is more than one person and more than one
document involved.

If I am creating a document with a namespace
and someone else creates a document with a namespace
http://WWW.EXAMPLE.COM/a then which of us is in error?

Without some method of determining this I don't see any point on
stating that it is a "strict requirment" that one of us is in error.

The namespace spec provides no notion of defining a namespace separate
from using it in an xmlns declaration, so there is no way of deciding.

For some namespaces there may be a specification somewhere that gives a
cannonical form (eg but that is
not a necessary or enforceable feature of any particular namespace.


Received on Saturday, 1 July 2000 19:33:54 UTC