RE: FW: XML Query WG Feedback on Sept WD of Namespaces in XML 1.1

Great to hear that. Note that all these were hypothetical examples based
on earlier discussions and proposals. All similarity to existing WDs is
purely coincidential :-).

Best regards

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Cowan []
> Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 21:13 PM
> To: Michael Rys
> Cc: Richard Tobin; John Cowan; Paul Grosso; Kay Michael; XML Core WG;
> Subject: Re: FW: XML Query WG Feedback on Sept WD of Namespaces in XML
> Michael Rys scripsit:
> > One example would be that XML 1.1 would have to be NFC normalized.
> Not so.  XML 1.1 should (not must) be normalized, but non-normalized
> documents
> are still well-formed (if they meet the requirements).
> > Another example would be to limit acceptable name characters
> > (disregarding the welcome fix of : in names) in 1.1.
> On the contrary, we are greatly extending them.
> --
> Yes, chili in the eye is bad, but so is your    John Cowan
> ear.  However, I would suggest you wash your
> hands thoroughly before going to the toilet.
>         --gadicath

Received on Friday, 6 December 2002 13:45:16 UTC