Re: XML decryption transform number 13

On Sunday 02 June 2002 12:34 pm, Takeshi Imamura wrote:
> >. The &decrypt;Binary transform operates so:
> >
> >  o Decrypt each unexceptional EncryptedData in document
> >    order and process it in accordance with the specification
> >    of the Type attribute, or fail if that is unknown.
> >
> >  o Return the concatenation of the plaintexts.
> I feel that concatenating the plaintexts is weird.  What kind of scenario
> are you supposing?

I believe Merlin aside, "Yes, I am sneaking in the solution to a 
requirement of mine!" means that he is trying to address his requirement to 
be able to have an XML document carry the encrypted/coded representation of 
multiple binary data objects. Previously, we decided not to support that 
but it might be more straightforward under his proposal.

Received on Monday, 3 June 2002 13:13:38 UTC