[xmlns] Attributes with the same local name and namespace

It is unclear whether two attributes with the same local name and  
namespace is a namespace constraint or not.

In practical terms, should parsing be aborted for the following document?:

    <test xmlns:a="foo" xmlns:b="foo" a:bar="" b:bar="">...</test>

Implementations disagree on this case.

In a bug report at Opera:

On Tue, 26 Jun 2007 13:13:03 +0200, <bug-admin@opera.com> wrote:

> We may fix this bug at some stage, but I don't think we have to, as spec  
> is vague enough to be intepreted in both ways.
> The confusion comes from document conformace section that says regrading  
> namespace-well-formedness that 'element and attribute names MUST match  
> the production for QName and MUST satisfy the "Namespace Constraints".  
> All other tokens in the document which are REQUIRED, for XML 1.0  
> well-formedness, to match the XML production for Name MUST match this  
> specification's production for NCName'. Duplicate attributes issue is  
> not explicitly marked as "namespace constraint" however.

Please address this issue with errata.

Simon Pieters

Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2007 18:07:10 UTC